The Greatest Thing

The Hof van Wouw and STET The English theatre have joined forces and provide you with a theatrical boattrip to two of the most interesting cultural spots in the Hague: the Zuiderparktheater and the Hofje van Wouw.

In search of The Greatest Thing (yes indeed love, love, love..) we take you by boat to the Hof van Wouw on 23 & 24 June.

Tickets and information:

23 & 24 June boats depart from:
Mauritskade-Zeestraat (cl to HiltonHotel/ Caesar fitness centre)
How to get there:

Departure times boat: 18.15 and 20.00
Arrival Hofje van Wouw: 19.00 – 20.45
Short walk to Hofje. Have a drink!
performance starts: 19.30 and 21.15
After a drink we will take you back to the boats and return you to the Mauritskade-Zeestraat.


People board at their own risk. Children 10 need to wear a lifejacket and be accmpanied by an adult. Lifejackets can be provided, please send an email to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

Bring your own picnic on board! Your ticket includes one drink on the boat.

If you miss the boat you can still come to the performance on your ticket. However, you have to find your own transport to the venue. The performances start at 19.30 and 21.15. For directions: Hof van Wouw ( - entrance Brouwersgracht 30).

The companies can not be held liable for the weather. Bad weather does not stop the trip nor the performance unless it is dangerous. Dress accordingly.

Tickets are under no circumstances refundable but may be exchanged for one of the      other performances of The Greatest Thing by boat. Admin costs € 3,00. Please email Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken..

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